Popular Uprising Against US-led Intervention in Northeast Syria Will Escalate, Analyst Foresees

On 20 August, prominent members of Arab tribes in the northeastern Syrian city of Aleppo and vowed to support a popular resistance against US troops and their 'proxies', the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), who have been maintaining illegal bases in the oil-rich regions of Eastern Syria.
Thursday's statement came on the heels of the Arab Al-Uqaydat tribal summit in Deir ez-Zor Governorate which held the US-led coalition responsible for murdering tribal sheikhs in the area. Syrian tribal leaders gave the US military and the SDF a month to pull out of the region.
Meanwhile, the number of sporadic attacks against American and allied SDF military installations and convoys on the ground is soaring. On August 18, three small Kaytusha rockets exploded near a US Conoco base in Deir ez-Zor Governorate.
US Occupation Disrupted Supply Chains & Looted Syrians Resources
"What we are seeing is probably the beginning of an uprising against the US-led foreign intervention," suggests Ghassan Kadi, a Middle East expert and political analyst of Syrian descent. "Don’t forget that people of the Al-Hasakah, Deir ez-Zor, Raqqa, and Qamishli governorates have suffered immensely under ISIS (ISIL/Daesh)* and fought to liberate themselves from it, only to find themselves under another occupation that is based on American hegemony that is looting their resources and preventing the supply chain of food and basic necessities from reaching them. Needless to mention the huge drop in the Syrian Lira, which is causing an enormous increase in the cost of living."
The political analyst believes that the "Arab tribal militia" is perhaps more accurate and descriptive than the other term that is sometimes used, namely, the "Popular Resistance of the Eastern Region" aka "Popular Resistance in Raqqa". The latter is a paramilitary group headquartered in the province of Raqqa.
"This is an organised group that was formed under a different name by Suleiman Al-Shwakh," Kadi explains. "Al-Shwakh was assassinated in Damascus in August 2019 and his murder remains unsolved. He was a Syrian War veteran who had fought in Aleppo and Palmyra."
Still, the emerging resistance movement in northeastern Syria appears to be bigger than that, the expert believes.
"The spontaneous demonstrations of citizens of the region who are blocking US military routes with their bare hands is a stark indication that those citizens do not have to belong to an organised group to show their anger at the presence of those troops," he underscores.
Meanwhile, the same day when three missiles struck near Conoco, a Russian military convoy returning from a humanitarian mission was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED) near the At-Taim oil field, about 15 km outside the city of Deir ez-Zor. The blast claimed the life of a Russian major-general and left two troops injured.
However, according to Kadi, if the IED that killed General Asapov was built and placed by a northeastern resistance group, "then this would mean that this was a tragic accident", as the emerging resistance in northeast is not anti-Russian.
In the aftermath of the deadly explosion, the Russian Investigative Committee opened a case over the death of the major general and the injury of the two soldiers.

Trump Appears to be Lesser Evil for Syria Than Biden
"Whether the attacks on American and possibly SDF locations escalate into something bigger or not is anyone’s guess," the Middle East expert opines. "What does seem to be most likely is that they are not going to stop. History clearly shows that guerrilla warfare against occupiers can be effective and even if it remains sporadic, it almost invariably comes at a huge cost to the occupier. That said, my guess is that it will escalate."
One might wonder whether the anti-American resistance is being coordinated by some extraterritorial regional players. Responding to this question, Kadi notes that though the resistance, be it in under the wing of the organised Popular Resistance of the Eastern Region, tribal leaders or individuals, will take help from any sympathiser and supporter, as it is home-grown and grass-root in the first place.
"Sooner or later, American troops will have to leave Syria. They'll either choose to leave or the'll be forced to," he stresses.
Still it remains unclear how the US' Syria strategy will change after the 2020 elections and whether Donald Trump will deliver on his promise and withdraw American military personnel from the region if he wins in November.
"I believe that despite all the inexcusable and unforgivable atrocities of the Trump administration in Syria, and which include looting Syria’s oil, burning wheat crops, allowing Turkey to deprive the Al-Hasakah region from water for domestic use, just to name a few, Trump is the lesser evil", Kadi opines.
He does not rule out that the US incumbent president "was pushed to take actions he did not want to take and would rather withdraw".
"As for what a Joe Biden win can result into, with his weakness and diminishing mental faculties, he will most likely be a very pliable yes-man, putty in the hands of the deep state, its hawks, cronies, henchmen and beneficiaries," the analyst concludes.
*Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) is a terrorist organisation banned in Russia and many other countries.
Hi Ghassan – your articles always were interesting – so human and easy to read and understand. And adorable Intibah who was always ready to comment on my comments. I felt so honored. She is so fiery and ready to inter-act.
I hope Saker reopens his blog soon. I believe that even the globalists don’t want nuclear war. And the US is going to back down. They can’t fight a war they can afford and where are they going to get the ammo for it ?
Everything they need is made in China – I don’t understand this chaos the people behind Biden – aligned with the globalists are doing – is it to de-stabilize the US population perhaps ? So they won’t fight the CBDCs and all the other horrible things the globalists have planned for us
But I do understand Saker’s apprehension of being apprehended as a Russian spy – and its only wisdom that is driving this closure. There are many voices now – whereas at the beginning of Maidan – there was only Saker God Bless Saker
But I hope so much he will only come back to us soon
Love Ann
Very good. You said everything I should say.
Julio Souza
That is such a generous, well timed tribute to the Saker, thank you from th heart, and the life fulcrum you speak of, will be missed by a great many. The future is brave indeed, and we will meet again.
Thank you Ghassan. It was pleasure to read your articles.
Thanks for a great read. My feelings too.
We all hate to see the Saker’s website go.
But we all also know the ground is shifting, and one has to do what one has to do.
I wish the Saker the best, and much prosperity on whatever new adventures his future will bring.
From this CNN article* posted just today, it looks like a lockdown might be on the horizon.
Sounds like the internet is going to be reigned in.
The Saker may be getting out of Dodge just in time…….. . . . .
Your words, most eloquent, capture my sentiments about Andrei and his blog. Since 2014 if not sometime before, I have come to the Vineyard of the Saker almost every day on which I have had access to the computer, sometimes early in the morning with my coffee or late at night with a glass of cold milk. It has been part of my physical, mental and spiritual routine for nearly ten years.
Thank you and Intibah for your work and contributions. I pray that God will bring us all back together in a time of His choosing.
Ghassan, you will be missed, as will the The Saker site, I hate to call it a “blog” because it almost sounds demeaning. It is a huge loss, when I read the news Andrei was shutting it down I was not suprized considering he had warned previously it may come to that, but when I read the news it still made me feel deeply upset. Some would say, big deal, it’s only a website, there are others, there will be others, so what? Infact, normally, that is the kind of thing I would say. But not The Saker, it is so much more than either a “blog” or even a “website”, it has been my first point of call for years every time I switch on my PC & click on the internet, straight to The Saker to see what is new & interesting there, & always anticipating articles by favourite authors such as yourself, & Andrei’s. It is heartbreaking. Maybe I am being melodramatic, it is not really in my character, but it does feel like something is being lost that can not be replaced. You will be missed Ghassan.
Very well said, great loss for seekers of facts and truth.
There is hope.
I love and will miss you all.
They first offer you money. Then they threaten your life. At least that’s how it went in my experience.
Dearest Peace Warrior Andrei, “The Saker”,
I struggle to adequately express my appreciation of and gratitude for a soul like you.
You were present, and for sure will continue to be present, in the most crucial time of a global transition, one where all of us in this community know that goodness will finally overcome evil.
For the past decade I witnessed your selfless, no doubt exhausting mission to lead, in a participatory and empowering manner, a global movement, via the world-wide-web, of seekers of and contributors to the unveiling of facts, truths and the values of a dignified Russia, a Russia that has continued holding out the hand of friendship and integrity towards other “partners” hell-bent on choosing the dark side at every turn, and more so as they slip into a decline.
For those arrogant and mired in the illusion of feeling exceptional and that only those of their paradigm matter, they will hopefully learn that a mighty nation or empire is only mighty because it stands before God and is humble.
Thank you, Russia, for caring for Syria in the way you did and still do.
Thank you Saker, for being passionate about the nations that suffer at the hands of the failing empire.
Thank you for welcoming Ghassan and I (since 2015) to contribute our thoughts (articles) to the incredible phenomenon of the platform, community and movement you began.
And finally thank you to the readers, authors and all the supporters who also not only cared about Russia but also Russia’s friends.
Your friend forever,
“Intibah Kadi”